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Turn your "Genes" ON to live a healthier, happier, sexier, fitter life with less chronic dis-ease, pain and illness. 


Discover your body at its deepest level

DNA is our body's own biological roadmap.  The better you understand your DNA, the better you understand yourself. Your DNA profile can help you stay one step ahead of your health and plan for the future....

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Those of you that know me know my passion for health and wellness.  I have information in the "about me" section on the front page but I thought I would continue it here because I recently had an interesting re-encounter with someone that I met in my body building days.....

I competed in a figure competition roughly 15 years ago.  I met a lot of incredible ladies, but one lady in particular really stood out for me.  Her name is Carmen Tocheniuk. She stood out to me because at that time I was really impressed with her "story"  She came from a small town to compete in body building.  Here we were, training our butts off in fancy gyms with fancy coaches and Carmen, well she had a gym in her basement and trained herself.  She looked amazing to me and when I heard her story of how she came to be I really paid attention to her.  

As the years went on I watched her body building career blossom and at the same time she started a few different companies.  Somehow her name would cross my path every year or so. Carmen was someone to watch.

I was recently invited to a meeting with a representative of AlkaViva water machines.  The meeting was to help a new contact to get her water machine business happening.  We drove out to this beautiful home in the country and were met at the door by an adorable young man and a dog named Bruce.  

A lady came out of her office and it was Carmen!!  I was so excited to see her, to see how much she had accomplished in the past 15 years.  All I can say is WOW!


Healthy Diet

Weight and nutrition are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Learn your genetic food sensitivities and the diet right for you.  100+ genetic markers

Jumping on Box

We all want our exercise to count - we want to lose weight, tone muscle and stay healty. Learn the fitness activities best for you.  75+ genetic markers 

Friends at the Beach

Unlock your full potential.  Dive deeper into your overall health.  Learn how your body responds to diet, fitness, detoxification, inflammation, methylation, hormones and even your mental wellness.  250+ genetic markers

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Your health is affected by important functions related to hormones, detoxification, inflammation and methylation. They can affect your mood, energy, cells and health. Your DNA test results provide a snapshot of how your body is predisposed to work in these areas. These are hidden areas that can affect your health and contribute to chronic disease. By learning your profile, you can take proactive steps to enhance your wellbeing.


To order your DNA kits or if you have questions please call 780.989.9991 or email Leah at


*Gift Certificates available - give the gift of health

Testimonials bodybyyourdna

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